https://www.calcium.com.tw/ 钙雅生技有限公司
钙雅生技有限公司 244新北市林口区仁爱路2段62巷20号8楼
想要真正地健康,你的饮用水必须是硷性的。纯净的蒸馏水是中性的pH7,而pH7以上的都是硷性水,除了比酸性水来得好,硷性水更充满著许多益处,因为它能中和让你肥胖的酸性水。我建议饮用水至少要达到pH9.5(如果有严重疾病,包括重度肥胖症等应该更高到pH11.5~12.5。) 美国生化及营养学博士:Robert O. Young   原文:To be truly healthful, your water must also be alkaline. Pure distilled water ranks an even 7 on the pH scale. Anything above 7 is alkaline, and so better than acidic water, but to get the full benefits of alkaline water-- neutralizing the acids that make you fat-- I recommend water that's at least 9.5 on the pH scale (and as high as 11.5 to 12.5 in cases of serious health condition, including extreme obesity).   出处:The pH Miracle for Weight Loss:Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight,58页,Robert O. Young, PhD and Shelley Redford Young,Grand Central Life & Style; Reprint edition,2006。 https://www.calcium.com.tw/hot_191996.html 想要真正地健康,你的饮用水必须是硷性的! 2024-01-21 2025-01-21
钙雅生技有限公司 244新北市林口区仁爱路2段62巷20号8楼 https://www.calcium.com.tw/hot_191996.html
钙雅生技有限公司 244新北市林口区仁爱路2段62巷20号8楼 https://www.calcium.com.tw/hot_191996.html
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美国生化及营养学博士:Robert O. Young
原文:To be truly healthful, your water must also be alkaline. Pure distilled water ranks an even 7 on the pH scale. Anything above 7 is alkaline, and so better than acidic water, but to get the full benefits of alkaline water-- neutralizing the acids that make you fat-- I recommend water that's at least 9.5 on the pH scale (and as high as 11.5 to 12.5 in cases of serious health condition, including extreme obesity).
出处:The pH Miracle for Weight LossBalance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight58页,Robert O. Young, PhD and Shelley Redford YoungGrand Central Life & Style; Reprint edition2006

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